Defiler Competitive
updated 7/18/2020
Performance | 4 |
Cost | 4 |
Strategy | 3 |
Overall | 3.7 |
9th Edition
Now Competitive
- Performance: +2
- Cost: +1
- Strategy: +1
The Defiler is an example of getting help everywhere - cheaper; smaller boards; can move and shoot without penalty; can be put into reserves; and can take advantage of the new Cult rules. This is now one of the stronger Chaos options as it can fill both a shooting and close combat role in-line with the cost of other units that can only do one of those two.
- Demonforge in shooting and/or close combat to really improve their output (4+ re-rollable is better than a straight up 3+ BS)
- No longer has a penalty for moving and shooting
- Duplicity is a great pairing to help it “Jump” across the table
- Defiler Scourge + Reaper Auto makes for a great, cheap, option
8th Edition (Chapter Approved 2019)
Overall: 2.3
- Performance: 2
- Cost: 3
- Strategy: 2